Need a hand promoting something?
We're always on the hunt for local businesses to help us grow our reach and to promote our region. If your business provides something you think our audience would relate to and enjoy, and you'd like some exposure, we'd love to work with you.
We have a significant local, national and international audience through our social media channels, physical iSite, website and newsletters. We also have a fantastic team of creative thinkers who work hard every day to deliver the best Whakatāne visitor experience. If you let us know what you want to promote and what you'd like in return we'll put our thinking caps on and come up with something to suit your goals.
Already doing great things online? Let us know and we can share what you're doing with our audience.
How can we help?
- Email newsletter promotion
- Information centre promotion
- Social media promotion
- Website promotion
- Event promotion - use our online form to submit your event information
What's in it for you?
Greater exposure for your product/business! That's our aim, your goals may be more specific. For example you may want to drive likes to your Facebook page, or subscriptions to your newsletter. We're always working on big ideas and the more you support us, the more we'll support you. We're working on growing our audience and your promotion will help towards this. This will mean your future promotions will get even more exposure and so will other local businesses, which means more visitors, which means... Well, you get the picture.
Some ideas to get you thinking
- A small gift for visitors seeking information on what to do during their stay in Whakatāne. Why not give people a taste to leave people wanting more? Our iSite gets very busy during peak seasons and our friendly team is always looking for new ways to engage with people
- Likes for you, likes for us! Facebook competitions can help grow your likes and at the same time generate exposure for your business. What can you give away that people will love? Are there other businesses you can work with to support your prize, e.g. Accommodation and something to do or eat?
- Do you have any significant dates you want to celebrate e.g. it's our 10 year anniversary!
- Is your listing on Whakatāne.com up to date? Send in product updates, new copy and photos, social media links to make sure we’ve got the information to make your listing attractive to visitors.
- Sunshine Deals. Do you want to attract more business in the quieter season? Create a deal to tempt tourists to Whakatāne or to visit your business and we’ll make sure it’s promoted. You'll also be a part of our bigger Sunshine Deals promotions, make sure you are in on it.
What we won't do
There are things we can't help you with and we will have to consider each request on a case by case basis. Here are a few things to consider when approaching us for help:
- The more information the better, we know a lot about our region but we can't make things up about your business or products!
- We can't guarantee results. We love experimenting with new things and with all experiments the results can vary. We will always learn though and can tweak things for another attempt
- We won't promote anything irrelevant to our audience, we may be able to suggest other channels for this.
Any questions? Big ideas? Thoughts or comments?
We'd love to hear from you, so get in touch with us and we'll see what we can do.
Social Media Promotion:
Therese Walley - Therese.Walley@whakatane.govt.nz
iSite Promotion:
Talk to the i-SITE team - InformationCentre@whakatane.govt.nz
Event Promotion:
Kim Fort - kim.fort@whakatane.govt.nz
Tourism and Marketing:
Nicola Burgess - nicola.burgess@whakatane.govt.nz