Moving from a corporate role in Melbourne back home to the Eastern Bay, and taking a hobby into a new full-time business, it's been quite the journey for Tracey Gardner. Story Originally published by EPIC Whakatāne.
For some of you, you won’t need introducing to the creative maven Tracey Gardner. She’s the brains and beauty behind MISS MAIA - Contemporary Māori Jewellery.
Tracey conceptualised MISS MAIA in 2019 while in Melbourne as a creative outlet from her corporate career. Recently celebrating 1 year of being back in the bay and working full-time in MISS MAIA, her “imaginative and inventive statements of identity” have found a cult following. As a creative person at heart, she has been hard at work identifying kaupapa Māori design elements for use in a contemporary setting. Her stunning earrings are multidimensional where their design considers the features of the material, the way an item sits on its wearer or how they can be worn in multiple ways according to the wearers preference.
Tracey's background in corporate marketing taught her how to manage big budgets, execute at scale, use marketing techniques and understand the customer through big data. Along with her passion for kaupapa Māori design she has used this experience to grow a successful venture with MISS MAIA.
The constantly evolving designs and delightful Tracey can be found upstairs at 97 The Strand, in the Biz Angels Offices or through her website.