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Take a moment with us Exhibition

Too late, you missed it

Take a moment with us is a multimedia exhibition that has been touring New Zealand since 2011, when it debuted in Christchurch. From mid-September, this stunning show will be hosted in Te Kōputu a te whanga a Toi's Sheaff Family Gallery. The exhibition, developed by IHC New Zealand, features photographs by Christchurch documentary maker and photographer Bridgit Anderson and video footage shot and edited by Sam Morrison, Tania McKenzie Bellam and Jasper O'Donnell.

"Take a moment with us was created to explore how the lives of people with intellectual disabilities are not so different from others in the community, and to challenge us to see life from a different perspective," says General Manager IHC Programmes Janine Stewart.

The result is a showcase of sensitive documentary imagery that centres around people with intellectual disabilities. Take a moment with us brings gallery visitors into the real lives of the subjects, and offers up a vision of what it could be like if communities were more open to including everyone.

Event Details

Te Kōputu a te whanga a Toi - Whakatāne Library and Exhibition Centre
49 Kakahoroa Drive
New Zealand

Weekdays 9am - 5-m
Saturdays 10am - 2pm

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