Robinson Law Twilight

Robinson Law Twilight

Happens weekly on Monday
Happens weekly on Monday

Robinson Law Twilight is back from Monday 13th November 2023.

Whether you are a member or a visitor, you are welcome! You can make up your own team of 4 or just turn up and we will put you in a team.
Tee off between 4-5:15pm. Cost: Members $5 and Non-Members $10. 
Thanks to Robinson Law, there are excellent team prizes and raffles to be won, and after the game, you can relax and enjoy a delicious meal or a nice cold beverage outside while admiring the beautiful views!
The Twilight season runs every Monday night, from the 13th of November till 18th December resuming again on 8th January, and ending on 4th March 2023 so mark this on your calendars!

Our Twilight Golf Ambrose format provides a great opportunity to play golf in a fun and relaxed environment with family, friends and colleagues. This is also a great way for the not-too-serious golfers to learn the rules and etiquette of the game.
Any questions please contact the office 07 312 4486

Event Details

Ohope Beach Golf Links
541 Harbour Road
New Zealand

$5 members | $10 non-members

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