Art in stiches

Art in Stitches: A survey of work by the Whakatāne Embroiderers' Guild

Too late, you missed it

Art in Stitches contains a dazzling array of stitchwork crafted by the Whakatane Embroiderers' Guild. If you have ever been curious about the mysteries of hardanger, hebdo, stumpwork, or crewel, this is your chance to learn more from local experts. Friendly members of The Guild will be available to talk about their work over a cuppa at the opening event.

Sheaff Gallery, Te Kōputu a te whanga a Toi
Whakatane Libraries and Galleries

Opening Event: all welcome

10:30 am Saturday 17 April


Event Details

49 Kakahoroa Dr
Te Kōputu a te whanga a Toi Whakatane Libraries and Galleries
New Zealand

9 am to 5 pm weekdays

10 am to 2 pm weekends

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