Surrounding Areas

Kawerau is nestled at the foot of dramatic Putauaki (Mt Edgecumbe) while the Tarawera River passes alongside. The town was created in 1953 to serve the area's pulp and paper industry and is renowned for its parks and reserves and wide, tree-lined streets. The Council provides free access to natural hot water pools. The town is only 30 km from Whakatāne, 80 km from Tauranga and 60 km from Rotorua.
With the abundance of natural resources, Kawerau offers a unique lifestyle and business environment. The area has a welcoming community and strong Māori heritage. The Tangata Whenua (people of the land) have been joined by Pakeha and Māori from around the country, plus immigrants from Finland, the Netherlands, Great Britain, North America and Australia, who came to work here.
In Kawerau, natural attractions make it a real adventure playground, with Tarawera waterfall, lake and surrounding walks nearby.
Kawerau District Council | Kawerau i-SITE

The Ōpōtiki District lies east of Whakatāne, but the towns are only 55 km apart, and the communities have many links. With a spectacular coastline the district is also brilliant for outdoors enthusiasts, offering great fishing, hunting, horse riding, and mountain biking on the Motu Trails.
The town is located by a harbour inlet, formed by the Waioeka and Otara Rivers. Ōpōtiki’s main shopping area has many historic buildings. The district has a strong community and the iwi is Whakatohea.
Ōpotiki is the northern gateway to East Cape via State Highway 35, which forms 335 km of the Pacific Coast Highway scenic route.
Ōpōtiki District Council | Ōpōtiki i-SITE | East Coast Accommodation & Activities

In this isolated and ageless corner of New Zealand, paradise has a much more earthly feel. Tucked in the central Bay of Plenty and only 45 minutes from Rotorua, Murupara and the small back-country communities which dot this magnificent landscape are the gateway to the mighty Te Urewera and Whirinaki Te Pua a Tāne forests.
This area is a chance to experience real New Zealand.
Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tāne Conservation Park

Te Urewera
Remote, rugged, and immense, Te Urewera contains the largest forested wilderness remaining in the North Island. It is famous for its lakes and natural beauty, as well as its stormy history, and features guided hunting and trout fishing, short walks and tramping.