Whakatāne Kiwi Trust Night Walks-Ōhope Scenic Reserve
Don't hibernate this winter! Wrap up warm, grab a torch and explore the REAL Whakatāne Night Life scene with the Whakatāne Kiwi Trust!
Come along and learn about our local kiwi population and the work being done by our amazing volunteers to protect our national icon and other native taonga. If you listen carefully you might even hear the call of kiwi or weka! Birds aren't the only stars of the show though, you'll also discover various plant life, nocturnal creepy-crawlies like spiders and wētā, and incredible glow-in-the-dark fungi!
Whakatāne Kiwi Trust Night Walks - Ōhope Scenic Reserve - Whakatane - Eventfinda - link here https://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2025/whakatane-kiwi-trust-night-walks/whak…
Event Details
Whakatāne Kiwi Trust PO Box 186
New Zealand
Adult $23.25, Kids $10.25, Family pass $51.24 (2x adults, 2 x kids)