Thou Shalt Not... - A Tame Iti Retrospective

Thou Shalt Not... - A Tame Iti Retrospective

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A close intertwining of art and activism, Thou Shalt Not provides an exploration into the life and works of Tame Iti.  

One of New Zealand's most distinguished activists and artists, Tame Iti's iconic performative acts of protest offer sophisticated critiques of colonialism.

This multimedia retrospective draws a singular reference to the Ten Commandments, serving as a metaphorical framework and echoing the multiple directives that colonial powers have historically forced upon indigenous peoples.  

Through his art, Tame Iti confronts the colonial legacies that have attempted to suppress Māori identities and dictate what they shouldn’t do, say or be.  

Thou Shalt Not portrays the evolution of Iti's engagements, transforming activism into performance art, and seeks to evoke the profound emotions and deep-seated purpose that underpin each work.

With the intention to spark dialogue, Thou Shalt Not invites us to reflect on colonial narratives, recognise the resilience and resistance of indigenous artistry, and celebrate the transformative power of art.

Event Details

Te Kōputu a te Whanga a Toi - Whakatāne Libraries and Galleries
49 Kākāhoroa Drive
New Zealand

Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm

Saturday: 10am-2pm

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