
Kupu Tahi

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Tonoa mai he kiriata o tō tino kupu Māori me te tikanga ki a koe, tohua @whakatanelibrary i te Pukamata, @whakatane.libraries rānei i te Paeāhua.  

Mā mātau ēnei kiriata e kohikohi kia tuari atu i Te Kōputu a te whanga a Toi i Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori hei rauemi ako mā tātau katoa. 


Share your favourite kupu and what it means to you in a short video and tag @whakatanelibrary on Facebook or @whakatane.libraries on Instagram.

We’ll create a montage of the community’s favourite kupu and share this on screen at the library during Te Wiki o te Reo Māori for everyone to enjoy and learn from. 

Event Details

Te Kōputu a te Whanga a Toi - Whakatāne Libraries and Galleries
49 Kākāhoroa Drive
New Zealand

Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm

Saturday: 10am-2pm

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