
Heart Space Makers Market

Too late, you missed it
Too late, you missed it
Too late, you missed it

It all begins with an idea or a seed… Bring your ideas, handmade art, crafts, music, and fun to our monthly Makers Market. Heart Space Eventz presents a unique opportunity to browse locally made, beautifully handcrafted products made by our talented EBOP artisans.

Be one of the first in to have your pick of the Market.

We are encouraging visitors to BUY LOCAL! Come and see the rich treasures of affordable goodies that are made right on your doorstep.

The market will take place at Mitchell Park on the 2nd Saturday of every month (weather permitting). All welcome, and entry is free!

Information for stallholder's:
For any small businesses or artisans.

•Opportunities to network with other businesses / people
•Opportunities to increase revenue and offer workshops
•Opportunities for small businesses to get their products out there

It will take place once a month.

We also have a range of other events you can find through our online registration

If your unsure if your items would fit in with our market don't hesitate to contact us

We also would love to chat with those interested further, and to discuss ideas or to become a volunteer. Dont hesistate to contact us or through PM.

Event Details

Mitchell Park
New Zealand

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