
Too late, you missed it
Too late, you missed it
Too late, you missed it
Too late, you missed it
Hautapu is a series of four Matariki wānanga during the Tangaroa phase of the moon from 5:00 am to 7:00 am.
Join us as we gather before dawn to stargaze and share celestial kōrero.
Two generous storytellers will speak at each gathering and shed light on topics such as Te Waka o Rangi, maramataka, gardening, art, waiata, Matariki throughout the years and navigation.
Enjoy hot drinks and a light hākari.
We will finish together with sunrise.
Hautapu is a wholesome and memorable activity. Come together!
Mauri ora!
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Event Details
Kakahoroa Drive, Whakatāne 3120
New Zealand