
FULLY BOOKED - Muka Extraction Workshop with Hannah Irakau Pehi
The Ōpōtiki artist behind “Kaitiaki o Tōku Ngākau / Guardian of my viscera“ featured in this year’s Molly Morpeth exhibition, is running a free workshop here at Te Kōputu a te whanga a Toi.
Learn from Hannah the skill to extract muka while having a kōrero around the tikanga that surrounds this practice.
Booking are now full - to go on the wait list please email
Important information for attendees:
Please bring with you:
- A bucket
- A spray bottle
- Kuku (mussel) shells or non-serrated (flat dull blade) butter knife
- An old towel
Header image shot by Claire House Photography.
Event Details
Te Kōputu a te Whanga a Toi
49 Kākāhoroa Drive
New Zealand