Art in the Park - part of the Summer Arts Festival
Art in the Park is a free children’s art workshop event on Wednesday the 22nd of January. Created and run by the Lake Sullivan Care Group for 6 years, Arts Whakatāne has taken over running this free event for children and families since 2023.. Their idea was to provide an event aimed at children in the late stages of the summer holidays when perhaps money has run out for family outings. We are carrying on this tradition. Here is a summary of what we have planned:
Art Workshops with artists Tania Akehurst, Kerry Limmer and Abigail Bakker:
Kerry Limmer: Making objects out of recycled materials, painting a mural on a recycled blind.
Tania Akehurst: Drawing and making fish and eels out of card.
Abigail Bakker: Flax weaving. Wristbands, flowers (putiputi) and other small items.
Other activities:
• Free BBQ sausages will be available
• The balloon man will make animals out of balloons. (for a charge)
• The Halo (conservation) group will have a display and offer activities, e.g. a treasure hunt.
• Beryl Wilson will offer a dance/movement activity.
• Students from the Interact club of Whakatāne High Schools will assist and offer nail and face painting.
• The “Joecool” coffee and shaved ice-cream cart will be on site.
• Children’s games are offered
Children must be accompanied by an adult. Please bring a water bottle and wear a sunhat. Any postponement due to rain will be on the 29th of January. Information will be on the artswhakatane facebook page.
For more information:
E-mail: artsinfo.artswhakatane@gmail.com
This event is supported by Creative Communities.
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