Iramoko Marae, Research and Archives Museum, Te Whare Kōrero O Te Tawera Rāwiri Tepuru Terehou.
Te Whare Kōrero ō Te Tāwera Hapū me Rāwiri Te Puru Terehou located at Iramoko Marae.
It's official! It's open and ready for anyone to come and access our archives and research, whakapapa books, history and knowledge of the ancestors, all waka history, all ancestral and iwi knowledge manuscripts, photos, historical dvds, Waka Huia recordings, tape recordings of interviews with our kaumātua and their history and knowledge, come and look at our ancient taonga, art work, traditional and contemporary knowledge and this is our Whare Kōrero opened to all tribes and all people. Please come.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10.00am till 2.00pm. Open five days a week.
Te Whare Kōrero ō Te Tāwera me Rāwiri Te Puru Terehou.
Dr Pouroto Ngaropō
All welcome, nau mai, haere mai.